Get your jam jars at the ready, for we have our very first set of free printable (and editable) jam jar label templates ready for you.
Since the weather has been so good, we’ve appropriately started off with a ‘Great British Summer’ theme with a nod toward the vintage. Polka dots and bunting feature prominently along with a chalky summer pastel palette.
This label template set includes four colour styles to cover a variety of jams. As you can edit the text that says what jam is in the jar – you’re not limited to what jams you use the labels for. We’ve just pre-filled the templates with these: Pink is Strawberry, Red is Raspberry, Orange is Apricot and Purple is Cherry.
We’ve also included lid labels for each of the four colour styles. These aren’t editable.
If you’re a small business who makes jam, or simply a keen jam maker, then you can quickly and easily print professional looking labels for your jars with these templates. Here’s a quick preview of how it works:
Click here to jump to:
Strawberry Jam Jar Labels (pink)
Raspberry Jam Jar Labels (red)
Apricot Jam Jar Labels (orange)
Cherry Jam Jar Labels (purple)
Buying Labels for These templates
Strawberry Jam Jar Label Templates
This is what they look like (for the template you need to click the download button at the bottom of the template):
Download Strawberry Jam Jar Label
Labels for the jar lid:
Download Strawberry Jam Lid Label
Raspberry Jam Jar Templates
This is what they look like (for the template you need to click the download button at the bottom of the template):
Download Raspberry Jam Jar Label
Labels for the lid:
Download Raspberry Jam Lid Label
Apricot Jam Jar Templates
This is what they look like (for the template you need to click the download button at the bottom of the template):
Download Apricot Jam Jar Label Template
Labels for the lid:
Download Apricot Jam Lid Label Template
Cherry Jam Jar Templates
This is what they look like (for the template you need to click the download button at the bottom of the template):
Download Cherry Jam Jar Label Template
Labels for the lid:
Download Cherry Jam Lid Label Template
How to Use the Templates
To use the templates you’ll need Adobe Reader (a free software – if you read PDFs you’re likely to have it). Other PDF readers may work but if you want to edit the PDF and get the same printing results we do then it’s best to use Adobe Reader.
Editing the Templates
There are two editable fields in each jar label. You can edit the type of fruit and you can edit the
1. Download the PDF you like by right clicking on the link and selecting ‘save link as’. Then save the file wherever you like.
2. Find where you saved the PDF and double-click to open it.
3. Edit the template if you wish (lid templates aren’t editable) by clicking in the area where it refers to the fruit e.g. ‘Strawberry’. Then type. You can do the same where the date is underneath ‘Jam’. When you press enter or click away from the editable field it will automatically fill the rest of the template with the same text you entered.
Printing the Templates
Printing should be quite simple but I suggest printing out on a plain sheet of paper before you use a sheet of sticky labels. You can then see if they line up correctly, which they should. Try it with these steps:
1. Open the PDF in Adobe Reader.
2. Edit as necessary.
3. Go to File > Print. A printing options box should pop up.
4. In the ‘Page Sizing & Handling‘ section, select ‘Actual size‘ like this:
(Optional) Ensure you have the colour and quality settings you desire by clicking ‘Properties’ and click
6. Ensure you have the right labels in the print tray (or plain paper if you are doing a test run)
7. Click Print
Buying Labels for These Templates
These templates are designed to work with the following size labels:
For the jar: AAV010 75mm x 55mm oval used as jar labels
For the lid: AAC024 45mm diameter used as lid labels
Use a plain white label. You can select a gloss label to give it a more snazzy, high-end look!
If you have a design or want to create a completely custom one, you can find blank labels for jam jars here
This is what our lovely designer has to say:
The Great British Summer!
It’s time to celebrate being outside where our gardens become awash with colour and adorned with beautiful buds and blooms. Our senses are enlivened with the scent of fragrant petals and the smell of freshly cut grass. The birdsong is chirpier and the sound of bi-planes and tiger moths can be heard bumbling overhead on balmy summer days.
Hurrah! Up pop the daisies, and out come the vintage bunting, tea lights and lanterns for that favoured little corner of the garden that becomes our special summer haven. I have such a spot where I dine al-fresco, relax with a book and generally reside for the duration. If I cannot be found elsewhere, this is where I shall be.
This little sun-trap is surrounded by an abundance of strawberry plants in pretty hanging baskets. I do get excited at spotting the first sign of them coming into flower, as with each delicate little white flower brings the promise of a home-grown fruit, our very own garden produce. As many of you will agree, there’s nothing quite as rewarding, especially when your plants produce plenty of fruit to make a generous batch of delicious homemade jam.
And it is a ‘Great British Summer’ thing. The whole process is to be relished from the growing, the picking, filling the kitchen with the delicious aroma of sweet smelling fruit to filling those jars with our very own homemade jam.
The grand finale comes with decorating the jars with vintage cottons and jute, labelling with our ‘Great British Summer’ inspired designs and of course proudly presenting them as gifts to kindly neighbours and favourite friends.
Better still, savour the moment and share with homemade scones in that special summer haven with your nearest and dearest.