In terms of marketing budgets, participating at a trade show or exhibition is probably the single most expensive item in the yearly calendar. Especially if this is your first trade show, and you have little experience in exhibiting, it can be a daunting (and time consuming) task to organise, with little support. […]
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Put your recyclables in the blue bin. Wash all your clothes on 30. Do not fly if you do not have too, instead, drive in your electric eco-friendly car. That is just the start of what we are now asked to do in order to consider our environment and lower our carbon footprint. […]
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It can be daunting when deciding if barcodes are right for your business. Don’t be discouraged though, as for many smaller organisations there is a simple guide to understanding how the barcode system essentially works, and why it works so well. […]
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The 11th series of Dragons Den opened in August 2013 with approx. 2.95 million viewers, according to DigitalSpy. Many of us settle down on a Sunday night ready to watch an episode, and almost all of us will have said at least once, that will never sell. But what will sell? […]
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It is often true in sales and marketing that it is easier to retain existing customers than attract new ones. Yet in most business plans I have come across, the biggest focus is set on gaining new clients! […]
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