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Top the class at the school summer fete

Top the class at the school summer fete

Summer fetes are a quintessential British tradition, and we all have memories of them from growing up. And now as adults, we get to see it from the other side when we offer to help out our kid’s school on the big day. You may be tasked with arranging activities, or perhaps setting up a stall. Whatever it may be, you can be sure that there’s plenty to do in order to make the day run as smoothly as possible.

So with this in mind it might be a good idea to get a head start and think about what you’d like to do. Most summer school fetes will have a charity in mind, or may even be raising money for the school itself, and there’s also the personal incentive of wanting to do your absolute best (and impressing everyone else who’s there).

Plan some unique games and activities

Should you want to organise an activity, the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) have plenty of ideas in terms of games to play, including favourites such as ‘hook a duck’ and tin can alley. You can make variations of your own to make them unique, and may want to include references to local culture, or the school, or even the teachers and staff.

You’re going to want to provide a little bit of everything so that everyone can get involved. Why not suggest a face-painting stall? Or making a putting challenge game for the dads? Get inspired by visiting the official PTA website that has plenty of suggestions for games. Just follow this link.

You could even arrange with the school to see about inviting the local emergency services to be present on the day. They’re more than likely to be happy to show off the vehicles, and maybe even give a few talks about safety. Children love the experience and it’s good for the community.

Get baking

A cake stand is as much of a part of a traditional fete as a tombola raffle, an egg and spoon race, and coloured bunting. To put it bluntly, a fete isn’t a fete without a good bake sale!

This is one of the best ways to make a big impression, but not only that, it’s fun, it doesn’t cost much to set up and run, and you only need a few people to help, so anyone can join in. A good bake sale with lots of variety will have something for everyone, and it’s easy to get kids involved, which all helps towards making a great fundraiser.

It’s also a chance to get creative and make it something special for your customers and volunteers. Why not offer healthy versions of familiar classic? Or gluten free options? This makes sure that nobody feels left out. Or you could make your cakes match the theme of the fete, or the school colours. You could even make one really special cake that stands out from all the rest, and then that one can get set aside for a raffle – another great way to raise that little bit of extra cash.

What you need for a cake stand

As with so many thing, presentation is everything. This can be an opportunity to show off your keen crafting skills, and your eye for detail. If you put the effort in, you could make some unique, homemade cakes, and if your stall looks the part, you could be cheeky and charge that tiny bit more.

Firstly you need a good sturdy table that can withstand the weight of all your delicious array of goodies (as well the weight of the people leaning in to get a better look). Then find a cloth to match the theme or colour of the event, and of course, you need the cakes displayed as well.

It’s a good idea to clearly label everything you sell, this stops putting people off who may like the look of it, but are reluctant to come and ask. You should have a think and give the cakes inventive and attention-grabbing names; this can definitely increase sales, not to mention being a lot of fun as well.

Then all you need is plenty of paper plates, plastic cutlery and serviettes. You may also want to have enough bags to hand as well in case people want to take cakes home with them.

It shouldn’t be a problem to enlist the help of a friend, or another parent, when it comes to making the cakes and arranging the stall. And you’re sure to have a lot of fun no matter what you can do to help out the school.

And if this summer is as good as last years, then there’s (hopefully) going to be plenty of days of sunshine to enjoy.

Posted in: Education

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